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Seller can meet near
College Station, TX

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Howdy everyone,
I am a student at Texas A&M looking for ways to make some money for school necessities . I have recently started my own housekeeping business called “Sparkly & Happy,” with a goal to provide college students a clean place at an affordable price. I know what it is like to come home from school or work wishing I had more time or the energy to clean, which is why I would like to provide you with a “Sparkly & Happy” place! My mother and I began to work in the housekeeping field which eventually led us to a build a busy schedule in Cypress. So, now that I am in college with years of housekeeping experience I would like to provide my services to others. Feel free to message me or call me for any further details or questions. I will gladly provide free estimates. I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Thanks& Gig Em!

Available in the following communities
Bryan/College Station, TX Buy and Sell

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