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➤ Police Night Stick "Handmade -- Trusty Security Stick"

➤ The "Trusty Security Stick" Police style NightStick has a "beautiful natural finish." It feels so Secure and Strong and Comfortable in your hand.

These Brand New Police style NightSticks are carefully crafted in Ontario Canada, from Ontario grown solid Ash wood. Ash is highly flexible, including shock-resistant and resistant to splitting.

Hammers, axes and baseball bats are often made from Ash.

The "Trusty Security Stick" is Twenty Five inches long and One and One quarter inches thick. It also comes with an adjustable "leather lacing grip control thong" for ease of use. (see photos)

Strong, solid and good looking. This Limited Edition solid Ash wood is particularly hard. Ash is even harder than oak.

Your "Trusty Security Stick" will be both a distinctive piece of fine art - AND - the perfect "Self-defense partner" all in one single, sleek, elegant form.

This can be a rare gift for that (you-know-who) person in your life.

The "Trusty Security Stick" would be a unique lifelong memento for any Police Officer special occasion -- from new "Police College graduations" all the way through to "Police Retirement celebrations."

Owning a "Trusty Security Stick" will put your mind at ease, at home and on the road. Some people buy two. One for each hand, or one for a friend.

So, if you have any questions or comments please respond to this message and I will get back to you the same day.

Kindly share this message with someone you like and care about. They will thank you.

We ship Canada wide via Canada Post and curbside pickup in London, Ontario.

Sincerely -- David at "Trusty Security Stick"

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Thames Centre, ON Buy and Sell

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