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Refurbished 1947 art deco portable heater.

I replaced the wiring for safety I could actually use it. However I did save original decorative cord with bakealite plug. It also had original 1947 red bulb inside, it was of course no longer working, but a awesome surprise none the less. I replaced the bulb with a low wattage led bulb, which I colored red with a Marksalot marker..hey just look at the pics, it looks awesome when you turn that puppy on to toast your Peggy's under the kitchen Anyway I know that those things add value so in case you want it for display purposes only, you can still return it back to original condition. They sure don't make them like this anymore. I mean they still hadn't put thermostats on them was either on, or off that's it..keep it simple stupid...right? I love old craftsmanship. Just a little reminder of better days gone by.
Have a gr8 rest of your day.

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Tacoma Virtual Yard Sale, WA

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