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Wireless PowerBank (20,000mAh)

This power bank will charge up your phone up to 6 times.
The wireless charger is very convenient to use, you don't need a cable, just place your phone on the non-slip wireless surface to charge fast your phone.

It has LED charging and battery level indicators.

This PowerBank Support Fast Wireless Charging at Up to 5V 1A, WIRELESS CHARGER and 5V, 2.1A 3 USB CHARGER.

There is a Wireless Charger and there is a Fast Charger USB port to charge with cable, the USB 3.1 or the Type-C input is used to charge the PowerBank when not in use.

The Input voltage is 5V, with 2A current.
The Output voltage to charge your phone with the USB port is 5V, 2.1A
The Wireless charging current is 500 to 1000 mA and the Wireless operating frequency is 110 - 205KHZ

I just got one with 70,000mAh for about $96, that is why I am selling this 20,000mAh PowerBank for $40.

It is used like new, and it would be the best PowerBank you ever had because of the wireless charging feature.

Call or text me for delivery.

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Moncton, New Brunswick Buy and Sell

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