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SkyQuest XT6 Classic Dobsonian Telescope

Orion 8944 SkyQuest XT6 Classic Dobsonian Telescope

Classic entry-level scope at an amazing price. Crisp images from the craters of the moon to the edge of the galaxy. Big-aperture optics + point-and-view ease of use = out-of-this-world value. 150mm aperture and 1200mm focal length provides ample light grasp and resolution.

Brand Orion
Eye Piece Lens Description Plossl
Objective Lens Diameter 150 Millimeters
Telescope Mount Description Altazimuth Mount
Lens Coating Description Aluminum & Silicon Dioxide

Features & details

- Perhaps the best beginner Dobsonian reflector telescope you can buy - big 6" aperture

- A beginner may use a 60mm telescope for a few months or years before deciding they need to upgrade to a better telescope - a 6" Dobsonian will give you a lifetime of wonderful views

- Simple navigation and no need to polar align makes this Dobsonian reflector telescope extremely ease to use for the whole family

- The 6" diameter f/8 parabolic mirror is fantastic for Moon and planetary views, and also has enough light grasp for deep-sky viewing of nebulas, galaxies, and star clusters

- The stable Dobsonian base provides a vibration free image even when viewing at a high powers, and features smooth enough motions to make tracking of celestial objects a breeze.

Available in the following communities
King and Story, San Jose, CA Buy and Sell

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