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Math Wizardry for Kids

Demonstrating to young readers that numbers are fascinating to ponder, fun to calculate, and the key to scientific understanding. such as Fibonacci numbers, which dramatically express symmetries in the shapes and number patterns of plant life and other aspects of nature.
* Discover how to perform math-based experiments, create ciphers, use math principles to crack codes, devise a stock market game, and much more.
* Methods for measuring the Earth's rotation Directions for making a sun dial to measure daylight hours
* Additional fun projects include constructing ciphers and cracking codes, managing money, devising a stock market game, thinking like a computer, and many others.
* Design one-of-a-kind puzzles
* Send secret messages
* Prove you're smarter than a computer
* Make a sundial to measure daylight hours
* Construct a time-telling pendulum
* Math is both mind-expanding and fun--and Math Wizardry for Kids is the book that proves it!

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Katy VarageSale, Katy, TX

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