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House for Sale by owner

1350 sq. Foot ; double attached garage; 2 large
storage sheds; garden space; flower beds; two decks; Energy efficient furnace and central air (2008); yard space is 12,500sq. Feet - a lot and a half; heated floor in main bathroom featuring an air jet tub(the door locks so this becomes an incredible mom (or dad) retreat. The jets from the tub dulls the banging on the door by any children to the point where you will just be able to tune it out; bathroom in basement and another half bathroom cause you can never have enough toilets as Murphy’s law dictates that everyone has to go at the same time. However if your the mom I can’t guarantee if you purchase the house the children won’t try to get on the same one your sitting on even though the other two won’t be occupied; very spacious kitchen with tons of cupboard space to store any needful or needless kitchen gadget you may have. It was newly done in 2010; shingles (2015); water heater (2015 with warranty); triple E windows (2012). Mature trees on a cornered lot and a hop, skip and a jump (believe me we have hopped, skipped and jumped) to the rink, swimming pool and ball
Diamonds. It is a 5 minute walk to the school.... or if you choose a 1 minute 45 second drive. This is a fantastic family home with an incredible amount of space, storage, yard space and a finished basement. The neighbors are fantastic and if your garbage or recycling bin blows away they drag it back to your yard for you!Quick possession is totally possible!

The community of Lampman has a K-12 school. It is a mere 25 minutes to Estevan and under a 2 hour drive to Regina. There is a grocery store, post office, bar/steak pit, gas station/convience store,restaurant, library, swimming pool, ball diamonds, new campgrounds and many businesses. A doctor attends the community twice a week and there is a health centre. This home is located two blocks from the school (5 minute walk) and right across the street from the swimming pool, rink and a park. The community has many school sports teams and clubs, minor hockey and ball, Taekwon-do, canskate and after school library programs. Lampman is a thriving and family oriented community with many wonderful things to offer it's community members.

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