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Peppermint Cooling Spray

Yikes it is hot and we are all feeling it. What to do. Well I have something refreshing and it will definitely keep you, your friends and your family cool.

All you need to do is shake the bottle and spritz this peppermint spray behind the neck chest , arms, feet just to cool down. Even great in the car just spritz a little bit and it will be a refreshing ride.

Just don't spray it in your eyes

Keeping cool most definitely an essential and the menthol in peppermint it tricks the braininto thinking your body is cooler than it actually is.

Peppermint Essential Oil is also great to combat headaches and reduces muscle fatigue which does happen in the heat.

This bottle is $12.00 and well worth it for you or for someone who also needs to keep cool

Also it can keep your feet cool just spray onto your feet.

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