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Makeup, Becca Cosmetics foundation, eyeshadow palettes, highlighter palette, face mask, Alpha Arbutin drops

Hey y'all,
Due to some pretty crappy months (house fire, job loss, huge vet bills, etc.) my husband and I are currently homeless, living in and out of hotels. Currently we are out bc we didn't have enough money to pay for our room any longer, so we are selling some of our stuff to A. Hopefully get enough money together to pay for our room, food and cell phone bill and B. To make it easier when we don't have a room bc we have alot of stuff and no car and there's only two of us so we can only carry so much. As it is, my husband does most of the work while I carry as much as I can out of the room and go find us a spot in the shade with our dog.
That being said, we've got quite a bit of stuff we're selling at very good deals to begin with, so please, don't low ball me. That'd just be like adding salt to the wound. Speaking of adding salt to the wound, if you don't have anything nice to say please keep it to yourself. I assure you we beat ourselves up enough, we don't need anyone's help with that. Trust me, our dog is VERY well taken care of and normally eats better and more than we do.
For the most part all the pics should have the asking price and some have the retail prices as well. For the makeup palettes, none of them were ever used for more than just swatching, if even that. If you can pickup, that'd be best as we don't have a car, like I said. However, if you're wanting to purchase a few things and it's absolutely necessary, I can take the bus closer to you.
Other than that, any ideas or advice are very welcomed and prayers are absolutely welcomed and appreciated. Thanks in advance and God bless.

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