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Commercial Arc Elliptical Trainer-Cybex

This elliptical retails for $12,000 as it is directly sold for commercial fitness gyms. It is THE HIGHEST quality motor,withstands the greatest weight,and the TV works connected to a cable line.

Footprint size is approx 29”W x 70”L

We bought it two years ago and it has rarely ever been used. Has minor imperfection scratches but is in perfect shape otherwise!! Perfect for your home gym during winter, or if a pandemic hits.
Will last you or your gym A LIFETIME for sure.

Cybex website info:
Perfect for fitness fans of any level, the 770AT Arc Trainer from Cybex has a user-friendly touch display and a long list of settings for workout customization. This is a high-end commercial upgrade from the 625AT that offers a wider range of options for strength, power, and weight loss while burning more calories than most other cross trainers or elliptical machines.

Key features of the Cybex 770AT:

The 770AT Arc Trainer is a high-end commercial cross training workout machine that does the work of three machines in one.

Muscle Map Display: This standard display screen allows you to easily monitor your progress without distraction.

Glide, Stride, and Climb Zones: This broadens your workout and allows you to train like you are using three different machines. Set in low position for the Glide zone, medium position for Stride, and high position for Climb.

Muscle Targeting: The machine’s unique range of incline and resistance settings allows you to focus on different muscle groups throughout your body, which you can monitor using the innovative Muscle Map.

Reverse Arc Motion: Using patented advanced stride technology, the Reverse Arc Motion makes it so your legs move in a natural, biomechanically correct pathway while taking stress off the knees and hip joints. This also allows you to burn more calories and take on more advanced workouts.

Workout Selections: Start in Quick Start mode to begin training right away, or choose from two weight loss workouts, three strength, two shaping, two cardio (including heart rate control), and two power workouts. This also includes Adaptive Power Mode, which changes the machine’s resistance according to your speed.

Optional Accessories

E3 HD View Monitor: A 15.6 inch, wide screen high definition screen that is embedded into the machine’s display area and allows users to easily view their progress and customize their workout settings. It also can charge iPods and iPhones and play a variety of entertainment options.

The 770AT Arc Trainer makes your workout session easy to customize and more effective than other machines. You can:

Align the resistance and incline with your personal training needs.

Focus on different muscle groups to strengthen areas that need the most attention.

Burn more calories than traditional machines thanks to the Reverse Arc Motion technology.

Use Glide, Stride, and Climb settings to engage in strength, endurance, cardio, power, and weight loss training.

Prevent knee joint strain by moving in the biomechanically correct position

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