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"Virtually Indestructible" Roll-up USB Keyboards

***Timmins, ON***

Selling $10 each or $15 for both

Do you love typing on keyboards?
Do you often get the urge to type on a keyboard without having one on you?
Do you think a keyboard should operate whilst drenched with water?
Do work in an IT department and need another reason for your coworkers to question your choice of input devices?

Well, we've got the keyboard(s) for you!
On sale today are two practically unused, AND ridiculous, roll up keyboards!

What problem could they solve? No idea!
What problem could they create? Also no idea!
What liquids can they repel and resist? Well the package says don't let it come into contact with oil, acetone, or toluene - just like a regular keyboard, but it does NOT say anything about pouring water all over it...
Can it have heavy stuff stored on it like a storage shelf? Not likely.
Can it withstand being drove over with a light 1992 Toyota Pickup Truck? Likely not a chance.
Can it withstand being slapped with a pool noodle OR fillet-o-fish at full force? Probably.
Would it be useful for a person busing tables who must wash dishes and use a keyboard before drying their hands? Certainly is one plausible application.
Would it be useful for medical staff to keep a sterile environment? No. This keyboard has no place in a sterile environment.
Would it be useful for sanitation workers in a completely non-sterile environment? No one at the office wanted to test this application, so this one is up in the air...

The Specs
-250mA - This baby here [*slaps keyboard] just sips power lightly off the USB bus, unlike that IBM 102 you've been coveting this whole time...
-USB2 - Unless you type fast enough to generate over 480Mbps of character data per second, this bus speed should suffice.

Don’t let these unique keyboards slip away from your grasp! They’re just waiting for you to meme your friends and family with!

Pick up Timmins south area. Will accept cash or e-transfer. No refunds, trades, or holds.

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