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Peace Lily Live Plant (2-Gal)


Plant Type: Perennial
Mature Size: Up to 2-3 feet tall
Light Requirements: Prefers low to medium indirect light
Watering: Keep soil consistently moist; water approximately once a week
Soil Requirements: Well-draining, rich potting mix
Temperature: Thrives in average room temperatures of 65°F to 75°F (18°C to 24°C)
Humidity: Prefers high humidity levels
Growth Rate: Moderate
Toxicity: Toxic to pets if ingested
Growing Zones: Zones 10-12. (Best kept indoors)
Growth Habit: Peace Lily is an upright, clump-forming perennial with lance-shaped leaves.

Embrace the tranquility and beauty of the Peace Lily, a perfect addition to any indoor space seeking a touch of elegance and nature. Suitable for both beginner gardeners and seasoned plant enthusiasts, these plants come in 6", 2.5-Quart, and 2-gallon containers, ready to enhance your home or office. Peace Lilies are celebrated for their lush foliage and pristine white flowers, capable of improving air quality by filtering out airborne toxins.

Beyond their aesthetic and air-purifying benefits, it's important to note that Peace Lilies are toxic to pets if ingested. The plant contains calcium oxalate crystals, which can cause irritation and discomfort to your furry friends. We recommend placing your Peace Lily in a spot that's out of reach of pets, ensuring their safety and your peace of mind.

S.D.L.A. is committed to promoting sustainability and community well-being. We donate 15% of the revenue from all our products to: The Phygital Food Project. This initiative works tirelessly to provide meals and supplies to individuals facing housing insecurity, bridging compassion with tangible support.

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